

Combined Imperial Fleet
Name Combined Imperial Fleet
Ticker C.I.F
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo jostic thrider
Members 7
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 588232594

Members [7]


AU TZ PVP corp:

We are a closely knit group of individuals who currently base out of the region of Khanid.

We are currently looking for people who can occupy themselves during the quiet times in low sec and not have ADHD-level entertainment requirements.

- Able to fly a t2 fit battleship
- Able to fly a t2 cruiser
- Basic understanding of aggression mechanics
- Self-sufficient (we don't want people who are constantly poor and complain about it)
- Either able to fly or very close to flying a carrier and/or dreadnought

Overlord and Dictator: Convo/mail Musashibou Benkei
Diplomats: jostic thrider, Mongwen

Public Channel: CIF pub

By being shot at by any member of C.I.F, you agree to relinquish all your rights to keep your ship intact and also agree to share all of your dropped cargo and modules with said members of C.I.F who blow up your shiny ship.

/end disclaimer

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-07 08:43:36
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